
We’re so glad you are here, and we hope we can help you feel welcomed. We welcome all people to join us in worship and in the full life of the church community. It is our hope that you feel a sense of belonging among us—belonging to God and belonging to the Cathedral Church of All Saints community.

At All Saints Cathedral Church, we are a diverse lot from many Christian backgrounds, non-Christian backgrounds, and no faith backgrounds. We come for Christian community, to find God in relationships with neighbours and new friends. We come for lessons from the incredible life of Jesus Christ. We come for spiritual rest, time to think, pray, and center on God, for comfort in hard times, and gratitude in good times. We come to serve God, each other, and the world. We’re not perfect. We trust in God’s gentle grace and unconditional love. We seek meaning for the life God has gifted us.

We hope to see you soon.

Special notes:

The Cathedral Church and the Great Hall are accessible. 

We are listed on the Affirming Church Directory.

A Typical Sunday Service and Celebrating the Eucharist (aka Communion, Holy Communion)

Our Anglican tradition is one rooted in a liturgical expression. We believe that liturgy represents a communal response to and participation in the sacred through activities reflecting praise, thanksgiving, remembrance, supplication, or repentance. The Anglican Church of Canada primarily uses the Book of Alternative services and here at the Cathedral Church we share in various liturgies from across the Anglican Communion such as the New Zealand Prayer Book as well as liturgies from the ecumenical Christian community, the Iona Community. 

At each Sunday service we celebrate the Eucharist together. It is in the Eucharist that we gather to be nurtured as a community, and where we experience reconciliation with God, and are then challenged and empowered by the Spirit to go forth into the world. You are welcome too, to God’s table to receive communion – to receive the bread and the wine (gluten free wafers are available and those who prefer may receive the bread only). You are welcome, no matter who you are or what labels the world puts on you. We welcome you if, like us, you struggle with flaws and imperfection but have a loving spirit and strive to let the light of Jesus shine within you and then to share it with others. We dare to welcome all because God, and not any human authority, extends this gracious invitation. 

If you wish not to receive Holy Communion you may still come forward for a blessing, simply fold your arms across your chest to receive a blessing. You are also welcomed to remain seated during this time. We want you to come as you are, as you are able, when you are ready – whether you have much faith or little, have tried to follow, or are afraid you’ve failed. You are invited to participate in the services of the Cathedral Church of All Saints as fully as you feel comfortable. 

We have two different Sunday worship services. We offer one at 9:30 am and one at 11:00 am. Each week, members of the congregation read Scriptures aloud and one of our Priests, Deacons, or a guest, shares a homily (a short sermon or reflection) based on a table of Bible readings from the Anglican Church of Canada’s adaptation of the Revised Common Lectionary. Deacons and others from the church community lead us in prayer for one another and the world. 

Music is an important part of our worship. At both services we sing hymns. At the 9:30 am service we are led in reflection and singing by piano and guest musicians who play flute, guitar, violin or fiddle, and more. The music at this service is often diverse and may include both ancient and modern hymns, choruses, showtunes, chants, acapella, etc. At the 11:00 am service the pipe organ and Cathedral choir lead music. This service includes an organ prelude and postlude and the choir shares from some of the finest sacred music of the last 1,000 years.


The Cathedral Church and the Great Hall are accessible, along with our meeting rooms. We also offer accessible washrooms. There is an accessible entrance just off the small Cathedral Church parking lot which is accessed off the church driveway located on Cathedral Lane. (See pictures below) Spaces can usually be found during the week but fill up quickly for worship services and large events. There are a couple of Accessible parking spaces located in the lot.

Inside the Cathedral Church

Where to Enter the Church, Parking and Transit

On Sunday morning, the main entrance leading to the Sanctuary is along Cathedral Lane. This entrance is not accessible. There is an accessible entrance just off the small Cathedral Church parking lot which is accessed off the church driveway located on Cathedral Lane. (See "Accessible" above).

During the week, whether coming to visit the church office or attending an event, enter the church through the door off the small parking lot. If it is locked, please use the Diocesan Office main entrance off the driveway. You’ll see a buzzer inside the vestibule. Please ring us and someone will let you in. 

Cathedral Lane, University Avenue, and College Street have street parking that is free evenings and weekends.

College St Hospital Staff Parking Lot located at 5786 College Street – Rates may apply, and credit card, debit, and cash are accepted.

Nova Scotia Rehabilitation and Arthritis Centre – QEII Parking Lot located at 1341 Summer Street with the parking lot entrances located on University Ave. and South Park St. Rates may apply and credit card, debit, and cash is accepted.

Numerous buses pass near the Cathedral Church throughout the week and weekends. Visit the Halifax Transit Website here to learn your best route.

What Should I Wear?

Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. On Sundays, some will arrive in suits or dresses, jeans or shorts, t-shirts or blouses. Our clergy, deacons, and sometimes other service leaders will often be wearing liturgical vestments such as an Alb along with a stole that may be a particular colour to represent the colour of the liturgical calendar. 

What Do You Have for Children and Youth? 

We love hearing the sounds of children in worship! Near the front doors of the church, you’ll find a small table with some colouring pages and materials. A Greeter would also be happy to provide this. Children and youth are welcomed to stay for the entirety of worship. Indeed, we encourage children and youth to be leaders in worship—whether reading Scripture, leading prayers, etc. 

Early in the service, there is a children’s story time. 

Our younger children are welcome to our Nursery that is available during both the 9:30 am service and the 11:00 am service. Our nursery welcomes infants through pre-primary. Parents are also welcomed to stay with their children, but it is not necessary.  

At the 9:30 am service, following the children’s story, school aged children and youth are invited to Sunday School. There are three different classes based on age for elementary to high school aged children. 

All those who work with our children and youth have completed background checks and follow our Safer Church Policy.